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We started treating the INVASIVE Species Eurasian Milfoil on Lake Minnewaska in 2013 and have continued every year since. When we first started there was about 44 acres of this Invasive species. In 2021 we were down to 18.1 acres. In 2022, due to the high water and cool water temperatures the Milfoil did not grow as in the past. These issues also had a very significant impact on the native grasses. We could only find 5.3 acres to treat in 2022. That is good news, however it will most likely come back depending on the conditions in the spring of 2023. We will be surveying the lake areas again the spring of 2023 and be treating any areas that we find Milfoil.
Another INVASIVE species that was found in Lake Minnewaska is Starry Stonewort. It was found in the Marina in Starbuck in 2018. In 2019 there were treatments performed and had good results. In 2020 the MLA turned this project over the city of Starbuck. In 2021 the MLA hired a contractor to survey 183 acres in the main lake in front of the Starbuck Marina. Unfortunately they found 1.52 acres of Starry Stonewort straight out in the main channel from the marina. The MLA is working with a contractor and Pope County and there are plans to treat this very invasive species in 2023 to avoid it spreading any farther into the lake.